tara rokpa therapy

Brion Sweeney 

MB Bch, BAO, MRCPsych, MMed.Sc.,(psychotherapy) ICPA, UKCP, TRTA

Brion Sweeney

Brion Sweeney is a retired consultant psychiatrist having previously worked in Ireland in the National Health Service in Dublin. In addition, he holds a master's degree in psychotherapy from University College Dublin. Brion undertook his own experiential training in Tara Rokpa Therapy under the guidance of Akong Rinpoche who had developed Tara Rokpa Therapy to help people to develop their potential. He became a Tara Rokpa therapist in 1992 and thereafter worked with other Tara Rokpa therapists helping to refine the method. More recently Brion spent three years in retreat under the guidance of Tai Situpa Rinpoche.